Indonesian Smelter Furnace Explodes Again in Morowali Industrial Area

A smelter furnace explosion occurred again in an industrial area in Morowali, Central Sulawesi. Quoting, This time the smelter that exploded belonged to PT Sulawesi Mining Investment (SMI)

The explosion occurred on Friday (19/1/2024) at around 20.45 WITA. For information, the PT SMI smelter is located in the PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) industrial area.

The industrial area is located in Bahodopi District, Morowali Regency. Based on police information, 2 workers were victims of this incident.

“The information is like that (there are 2 injured victims),” said Morowali Police Chief AKBP Suprianto, quoted from , Friday (19/1/2024).

However, Suprianto could not explain the details regarding the explosion because it was still in the checking process.

“We are still checking the crime scene,” he said.

For information, previously there was also a smelter furnace explosion at the nickel processing factory owned by PT Indonesia Tsingshan Stainless Steel (ITSS). The factory is also located in the IMIP industrial area.

This incident occurred on Sunday 24 December 2023, killing 18 people and 41 people undergoing treatment.

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