KPK Former Deputy: New Phenomenon "Ferdy Sambo Syndrome" occurs in Police

 Former Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Saut Situmorang, said that there is a strong culture of corruption in response to the police institution. Saut revealed that this culture was actually trying to be erased by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) through his programs.

"Just look at the current presidential program, which on page 26 of its vision and mission clearly emphasizes that there is a corrupt culture in the police that forces it to be reduced, that is Jokowi's program," said Saut in a discussion entitled 'Joshua's Death and Sambo Case' in Central Jakarta, Thursday. (1/9/2022).

According to Saut, in an organization values ​​have an important role in determining the future of an organization.

Several times the Police have changed their motto, for Saut, it will not change anything if the behavior that is still followed is a culture of corruption.

"Which center of gravity should be tackled first, which one should be beaten first in organizational theory. How is the strategy, how is the structure, how is the staff, how is the style, it changes, there is Precision and there is Promoter, then the strategy changes," said Saut.

"But the behavior doesn't change. You change the structure, you change the budget, add salary, but if the values ​​are like this you don't expect anything from the police," he added.

Saut revealed that Jokowi's corrupt culture has also been felt by Jokowi and was conveyed through a presidential speech. Saut called the culture of corruption in the police force the 'Ferdy Syndrome'.

"And that has been confirmed through the president's own speech, so he feels right that the corrupt culture is a part that is destroying this country. This behavior, which I call Ferdy Syndrome, I call it, will continue to appear," he said.

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