Many Reject The New National Education System Bills

Chairman of Commission X DPR RI Syaiful Huda proposed the formation of a working group or National Working Group related to the Draft Law on the National Education System (Sisdiknas). The initiation of the formation of the working group was to accommodate opinions from various groups and communities, which currently tend to reject the Bill Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. Huda's proposal was submitted after receiving an audience from the participants of the action related to the National Education System Law in front of the DPR building.

Huda himself said that his party agreed to revise the National Education System Law, considering the dynamics of the management of national education which had changed considerably since the National Education System Law was first enacted, 20 years ago.

"Nevertheless, a more transparent dialogue space must be opened considering the many rejections from civil society groups. So I initiated the National Working Group (Pokja) on the National Education System Bill," said Huda at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Thursday (1/9/2022). .

Huda emphasized that the rejection of the National Education System Bill drafted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology must be absorbed as aspirations. He said these aspirations must be heard and considered in the preparation and discussion of the National Education System Bill.

Thus, it is hoped that the revision can truly become a legal umbrella for the creation of an appropriate national education ecosystem.

"Moreover, these voices are conveyed by institutions that have been actively involved in the management of national education such as PGRI, P2G, Muhammadiyah, education observers, to professors," said Huda.

According to Huda, so far the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology seems to be running alone and does not open up space for public participation in the process of drafting the National Education System Bill. He said this in response to criticism and assessment of the procedural and material aspects of the Bill on the National Education System.

“Most of the invited experts admitted that they were only told to listen to the points in the National Education System Bill, so the impression was that the Ministry of Education and Culture was just socializing. In addition, there has not been a grand design of education that has been agreed upon as the basis for the formation of the law. This is considered a weakness in terms of the procedure for the preparation of the National Education System Bill," said Huda.

Huda is at the same time worried about the emergence of castanization of education with the existence of a new path of independent schooling that is legitimized at the level of the law, the unclear role of the Educational Personnel Education Institution to the polemic of the abolition of the teacher professional allowance. Huda emphasized that all matters contained in the content or material of the National Education System Bill must be answered carefully by the government.

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"This concern could be due to the lack of dialogue between the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology and the public. It could be that there is a gap between the intent of the drafter of the National Education System Bill and the public that triggers a misperception. So once again a wider dialogue space is needed," said Huda.

To absorb all aspirations, including those who are against the National Education System Bill, Huda said that it is not enough for the Ministry of Education and Culture to provide solutions through socialization sites as well as collecting complaints and public inputs.

Therefore, he proposed the establishment of a National Working Group on the National Education System Bill in order to facilitate physical meetings between education stakeholders in Indonesia so that they could have a dialogue discussing the ideal format regarding this matter.

"So we hope that the National Working Group on the National Education System Bill can become a dialogue space for education stakeholders so that the revision of the National Education System Bill is really a meeting of ideas, ideas, and hopes for the formation of the best national education system that we dream of together," said Huda.

Many Parliament Factions Refuse

Deputy Chairman of the Legislation Agency (Baleg) of the DPR RI, Willy Aditya, revealed that there are many factions in the DPR who reject the revision of the Law on the National Education System or the National Education System. Previously, the revision of Law Number 20 of 2003 was proposed by the government to be included in the list of Prolegnas Priority 2023.

"Yes, there are many factions who reject it, I think this is a long list that hasn't been entered yet," said Willy at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Monday (29/8/2022).

Apart from that assumption, Willy revealed another reason behind the many rejections from the factions. The reason is because the revision of the National Education System Law is considered to tend to use an omnibus law approach.

The reason is that in the future the revision of the National Education System Law is indeed made to integrate the three laws. Starting from the Law on National Education System, Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers and Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education.

"Since this is considered an approach that tends to be omnibus law, then how should public participation be obtained for the substances," said Willy.

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